the departed is the only watchable movie
may their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed
The Departed (2006)
THE DEPARTED (2006) (why do they do this on film twitter? where does that little garnish come from?)
anyway why is it soooo good
like I could watch it every single night and i wouldn’t get sick of it
they put something in the water when they made THE DEPARTED
there’s always something new to see
always some twist around the corner
everything means something
everyone is so over the top
Jack Nicholson is devouring everything
Mark Wahlberg is so happy to be there
Matt Damon, doing his part
Leo is so strung out
Vera Farmiga and her haunted eyes, just a Regular Beautiful girl who did nothing wrong
She’s so me - like if I were a regular beautiful educated girl in Boston I would also be torn between my dirty cop bf and my tortured soul client w/ a heart of gold
I love how her personality is just being a good person, she doesn’t have to do anything else
Yeah I’ve seen THE TOWN
it’s fine
Ben Affleck was probably so mad he didn’t get to be in THE DEPARTED with all his friends
I like how in both THE TOWN and THE DEPARTED there’s a regular beautiful girl
Says something good about Boston men, like they like nice girls or at least they like to look like they like nice girls. Nice Catholic boys.
I love how when you google ‘The Departed analysis’ the first thing you see is how X marks the spot anytime someone is going to die. That blew my mind the first time I read it. Then you start looking for the X everywhere. Interactive fun. Film analysis.
I love the RAT at the end. Camp!
I love how they let MARK deliver sweet justice. He is so deserving! How thoughtful of Marty to let him be the one to do it.
I like when Alec Baldwin is like “Marriage is an important part of getting ahead: lets people know you're not a homo”
That guy bleeding out on the couch was an informant, right?
The second thing you see when you google ‘The Departed analysis’ is the queer reading of Costello and Dignam and how Costello is always wearing leopard print…
I’m not upset that THE DEPARTED is a masculine movie. I was talking with Shar on Twitter about this one time but there’s something in there that is especially appealing to women because it frees us from the burden of having to read gender into it. It controls for gender by being so male. It’s escapism.
Gimme Shelter is so good
I always stop paying attention right before sweet little Martin Sheen gets thrown off the roof and then that happens and I am wrapped back up in it all over again.
I guess in one sense The Departed could make you think of women and family, because they’re mostly missing, and you might think about how these lost boys need a mother’s love. But that’s not what I’m doing when I’m watching the Departed. I’m thinking about how I’m watching a movie about men.
I like how it’s about GOOD and EVIL
I like how Catholic it is
I like how I’m never calm for a single second whenever Leo is on screen
Actually, what I said above is not super fair. I just thought of a counterexample. People always say MASTER AND COMMANDER is the perfect purely masculine movie because there are no women in it at all. And I don’t enjoy that movie.
THE DEPARTED appeals to the feminine because it’s so psychological. It looks at men the way we look at men. Maybe that’s an uncharitable read of men’s capacity for analysis.
I know Scorsese is a man. But he is also Italianx.
MASTER AND COMMANDER also doesn’t have Vera Farmiga, crucially.
Vera Farmiga in THE DEPARTED is being-in-your-30s inspo.
When I watched it for the first time I realized pantsuits can be cute if you have piercing eyes and a good heart.
When I watched it for the first time I was also like wow.. mobs don’t just have to be Italian. They can be Irish too.
Crazy how there’s beef between the IRISH mob and the ITALIAN mob.
I like how the city of Boston is almost like its own character.
I like how the X is no longer an X. It’s straight like a cross.
love this + must add that the funniest thing about alec baldwin's already very funny "marriage lets people know you're not a homo" rant is that it wasn't even true... when they started shooting in the spring of 2005 gay marriage had already been legal in the great state of massachusetts for a year
“Marriage is an important part of getting ahead. It lets people know you’re not a homo. A married guy seems more stable. People see the ring, they think ‘at least somebody can stand the son of a bitch.’ Ladies see the ring, they know immediately that you must have some cash, and your cock must work.”